Hello friend, 

I have decided to put my ideas in to action during lockdown, what have you done? Don’t worry if you haven’t, you still have time to get it done.

Here you are, every day you’ve got a new opportunity, every time when you open your eyes in the morning you have another a new chance, and it’s magical because no one has control of it, ONLY you. 

You can start a new habit every single day. Imagine if you started something that you always wanted today. If not today, tomorrow then, and find out your blissful purpose in your life.  

Writing was always my thing, not in English though. My name is Jessica Greyling. I’m a Portuguese speaker. I was born in Florianopolis, Brazil, and now I call Sydney, Australia my sweet home. I am happily married to a beautiful man, and I would like to share some good content here with you and together we will learn better ways to make our lives happier. 

Did you know what is nice about your own moment? It’s your moment, so when you do and reflect on your own behaviour and moods, no one else can interfere. I will try to always bring little challenges, fun ones. Then, I can, you can, everyone can experience something different – feelings, results, or anything a bit different than normally. 

Be ready to read about how to have an exciting-happy-healthy LIFE. Yes, YOU can, and YOU deserve that. I will be talking about things that make us feel good as a WHOLE person when we put little things into our daily routine.

 The list goes on and on but here’s a taste of what’s to come:

  • Real talks about life
  • Healthy tips 
  • Food and recipes
  • Wellness 
  • Intermittent fasting 
  • Podcast suggestions 
  • Fitness tips
  • Travel tips 
  • Monthly challenges

Life in this body with these people around you happen only once, my dear(s). So, why make the most of it? Living life to the fullest doesn’t mean you won’t be worried, sad or disappointed sometimes, but you can try to be the best version of yourself.

So, let’s get down to business.

The first challenge for my first post is for you who is reading this now. 

What about we think how much we care about what people think of us? Let’s try something different and this might help to set you free. So, bear with me. 

What do you love the most? 

How much do you care about what people think of you and/or your goals? 

Now, take a moment, close your eyes, feel all these things that you’ve done or dreamt of doing. Think, feel, and smile.

Look back on the moments that you felt free and happy. Were you alone? Or in a group? Who was with you? 

Ok, now get a piece of paper, let’s jot down. No need to be fancy, just get a piece of paper.

Then, think about 5 situations in which you felt afraid, stuck, worried (it can be all these mixed feelings too) about telling someone about something that you want to do and write them down.

Think of people who were part of make this a worry for you (it can be anyone, can be your mother, father, best friend) and write them down.

Now, write exactly why you felt like this. Then, after acknowledging these feelings and people, tell yourself that next time when you’re feeling afraid around these people you will do something different.

But you will always treat them with respect, thank them for trying to help, and then you express yourself saying how you feel when they say these things in a certain way and explaining why that puts you off. You can tell this in person, or you can close your eyes, imagine the situation, and say it out loud. 

This will help you to say things that you couldn’t say in the past, and it will help to make your decisions more your decisions. It will make you feel happier. Trust me. 

Let’s start today, allow yourself to let go and to feel happy.

Stick with me for more positivity chats, 

Pleasure to meet you, 


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